Environmental film

Films Tell “The Eco-Story Of Our Time”

Danielle Lehle photo

Danielle Lehle photo

April 22, 2015 - “What Hamlet was for the first time was a character who was questioning his place in the universe,” Founder and CEO of Me2Umedia Paul Lussier declared a few Fridays ago at the symposium that kicked off the 2015 Environmental Film Festival at Yale. “People were starting to believe that God was not the answer to all of their behaviors, all of their moral codes, that there was something other. Hamlet was the eco-story of its time.”

But the era that Hamlet helped usher in is quickly coming to a close. We are now in the anthropocene, a new geological period in which man’s activities are having a substantive and irreversible impact on the planet’s ecosystems.

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Environmental Film Festival Puts People First

Deep Time (2015)

Deep Time (2015)

April 2, 2015 - “Everyone here recognizes that environmental issues are often the 100 millionth concern on most people’s minds. They’re the big elephant in the room that people are aware of, and are completely overwhelmed by,” said Don Mosteller, executive director of this year’s Environmental Film Festival at Yale. He straightened his back, his voice soft but steady, like a drummer preparing for a solo. Kroon Hall, home to Yale’s Forestry & Environmental Studies graduate school, where Mosteller is a student, had long since emptied.

“It leads to a lot of ambivalence about what to do, a lot of anxiety, which I think only fuels the denial of climate change,” Mosteller continued. “It’s just really … heavy.”

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