“Super Block” Revival Ready

City transit chief Doug Hausladen (right) and city engineer Giovanni zinn (left).

City transit chief Doug Hausladen (right) and city engineer Giovanni zinn (left).

Wednesday, November 22, 2017 - 

A developer is just about ready to put shovels in the ground to start construction on 269 new market-rate apartments that will replace a four-acre surface parking lot on a “super block” at Audubon and Orange — and to help the city add a traffic-calming “speed table” there.

Matthew Edvardsen of South Nowarlk-based Spinnaker Real Estate Partners offered that update at Tuesday night’s monthly meeting of the Downtown-Wooster Square Community Management Team (DWSCMT) on the second floor of City Hall.

Edvardsen told neighbors that his firm should have all necessary building permits, construction funding and subcontractor agreements in place by the end of the year for the new “Audubon Square” mixed-use development.

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