Becky Bombero

Episode 42: Rebecca Bombero / Wiener-Dog

Still from WIENER-DOG by Todd Solondz

Still from WIENER-DOG by Todd Solondz

How to Listen

Episode 42: Rebecca Bombero / Wiener-Dog
Deep Focus

First Segment

Guest: Becky Bombero
0:00 - 18:55 - interview with New Haven Parks director Becky Bombero about the Friday Flicks series

Second Segment

Guesst: Allan Appel, Lucy Gellman
20:45 - 45:45 - review of WIENER-DOG


On this episode host Tom Breen speaks to Rebecca Bombero, director of the city's Department of Parks, Recreation and Trees, about a summer film series, and to New Haven Independent reporters Lucy Gellman and Allan Appel about Todd Solondz' new movie "Wiener-Dog."

related Links

2016 Friday Flicks Schedule

WIENER-DOG trailer